News about easy ways recycle clothes

Kitchen Gadgets You Just Don't Need

Retailers will push every kind of gadget under the sun on consumers – all in the name of simplifying their lives and the latest must-have 'technology' to get the job done. In the kitchen, just as everywhere else, it seems like there's a slew of ridiculous objects on the market. Here are some of out top picks for the … read more

Baja, California Must Do's

Baja California is a very unique and beautiful location. This peninsula runs for hundreds of miles along the mainland of Mexico, separated by the Gulf of California. This gulf is the only enclosed water in the Pacific Ocean, creating a unique sea life and ambient that is some of the country's most dramatic landscapes… read more

Sucked in By the Internet?

“I'm just going to check my email for one moment,” by now these have become famous last words as people are endlessly sucked into the Internet to follow up on email, Facebook, Google and the million other opportunities for distraction that the Internet offers us. However, scientists are now telling us this is norma… read more

Duty Free Shopping in the Bahamas

Every vacation deserves a little retail therapy and the Bahamas is a particularly great place to do that. Why? Besides the huge variety of shops available, Nassau Paradise Island is also duty-free shopping, which means you can save up to 50% on regular U.S. Priced items. So after you've hit the beach, cool down with a … read more

The Power of Garlic

Nobody likes to have a wart and now there is a natural cure: garlic. Warts are all in the family of the Human papilloma virus or HPV, which causes warts on the fingers, feet or genitals. Though warts will mostly dissipate on their own after a few years, the process can be greatly sped up by using a peeled garlic clov… read more