News about textile design companies

A Valid Alternative News Source

If you are looking for a valid news source, an alternative to mainstream news that covers major international stories and will give an opinion you can trust, consider Democracy Now. It is available as a radio broadcast, but also online and via live streaming. The two journalists that get Democracy Now! Up and running … read more

Baja, California Must Do's

Baja California is a very unique and beautiful location. This peninsula runs for hundreds of miles along the mainland of Mexico, separated by the Gulf of California. This gulf is the only enclosed water in the Pacific Ocean, creating a unique sea life and ambient that is some of the country's most dramatic landscapes… read more

Best Places to Rollerblade

Inline skating or roller blading is a great way to get your exercise and has also become a popular leisure sport in the USA. It requires fitness, flexibility, balance and strength. Rollerblade enthusiasts can choose between trails, distance competitions, skate parks, speed tests or urban routes. Here are some of the to… read more

The Spin on Climate Change

For those who are knowledgeable about climate change and convinced that it is happening, for those who understand that it's simply a question of science and not politics, the lack of media coverage regarding global warming is absurd. Even more so, the fact that for how the media poses it, global warming is up for debat… read more

Eating Out in Vegas

At the beginning Las Vegas had nothing to boast about regarding it's food, but no one really cared since everyone was there for a different reason anyways. Today the food scene at Las Vegas is as well known as its casinos and showgirls. If you like a certain genre of food, for example, Asian, head to the China Town whe… read more