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Top Celebrity Fashion Websites

When it comes to following celebrity gossip and fashion there's a ton of choices online! One of the funniest and most clever sites is Here visitors will see photos and cutting fashion reviews of the popular celebrities at events, premiers and parties. Long time followers will appreciate the clever ru… read more

How to Use the Color Purple in a Garden

The color purple should not be underestimated when designing your garden. It can add a touch of coolness to otherwise warm tones like red and yellow, plus it evokes passion and is also symbolic of royalty. Purple plays well with other colors, which is not always the case in a garden. It's recommended to use with pink a… read more

Does Nature Photography Harm the Environment?

What may have at first glance seemed like a simple question is actually quite complex. Sure, nature photography is an excellent way to sure the beauty of the natural world with people who may not be able to appreciate it first-hand. And in fact, in some cases it may be a powerful tool to raise awareness about animals t… read more

Drink Water for Beauty

Water is one of Mother Nature's best kept beauty secrets. It will enhance yours kin, nails and hair while it benefits the body and helps it to keep “running” smoothly. By drinking water and remaining hydrated you can encourage fresh skin, you'll flush out toxins and help keep pores clean. It also will help you to l… read more

What to Eat Before a Race

Probably the most common question from runners is what to eat before a marathon. Most of us are familiar with the idea of pounding on the carbs before hitting the streets, but as our nutritional information continues to grow, are we still sure that's the best? The answer is still a resounding yes. Whether it's pasta … read more