News about ebay business ideas

Items You Would Never Expect to Be Stolen

If you aren't a thief, most likely you've only vaguely pondered what common stolen objects might be – something valuable, you may have thought: a car, expensive beauty products, jewelery, designer clothes, well here some of the most unexpected items that thieves love to steal! Prepare to be shocked, the most stolen b… read more

A Valid Alternative News Source

If you are looking for a valid news source, an alternative to mainstream news that covers major international stories and will give an opinion you can trust, consider Democracy Now. It is available as a radio broadcast, but also online and via live streaming. The two journalists that get Democracy Now! Up and running … read more

Why Choose LED lights?

One of the most important consumer electronics of the past few years is LED lighting. LED stands for Light-emitting diode. What makes LED a stand out product is its phenomenal energy efficiency, long life span, little maintenance, and zero hazardous materials. LED lights also produce illumination that is both visually … read more

Why to Rent Instead of Buy

Though owning one's own home is a common lifelong goal, there are several reasons it may be better to rent instead of buying. Once families built their homes, but today it's more common to buy it from someone else. While buying may have financial advantages, when the economy is poor it's renters who benefit the most. T… read more

A Man Made Spider Web

The textile field is often one of the first to invent and benefit from new technology. The most recent innovation has been to make a material that is just like spider web silk. Did you know that there is a type of spider silk called Dragline, which is tougher than the material used to make bulletproof vests! The proble… read more