News about watch 2d movie 3d mode

What to Eat Before a Race

Probably the most common question from runners is what to eat before a marathon. Most of us are familiar with the idea of pounding on the carbs before hitting the streets, but as our nutritional information continues to grow, are we still sure that's the best? The answer is still a resounding yes. Whether it's pasta … read more

Sneaky Tips for Healthier Eating

Making healthy choices is an important part of investing in your child’s future. Children with childhood obesity have a greater risk of getting diabetes later in life, so it is truly important for parents to make responsible choices when it comes to preparing meals and packing lunches. The difficult part is not alway… read more

Using Social Media for Business

Have you considered using social media to promote and grow your business? It's an inexpensive and popular choice to help business keep new and existing customers talking about your products and services. The top picks for social media networks are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn. Each one can offer uni… read more

Internet Access Tips for Travellers

If you are travelling and need to connect to the internet here are a series of helpful tips to help avoid unwanted surprises. Consider using a public wi-fi instead of your hotel's connection which may have blocks on how much broadband you can use. If the hotel offers a wired Ethernet connection chances are that will gi… read more

Safety on Cruise Ships

Whether it's a large scale disaster like the Costa Concordia in Italy in 2012, or individual deaths or disappearances, cruise ships can be dangerous. Their safety has become a recent issue to debate, as well as evacuation techniques and preparation. Due to these recent incidents, cruise ships have strengthened their sa… read more