News about textile design companies

Teach Your Kids Basic Car Care

No matter what the future of cars may be (electric, hybrid, off-road) when your kids start driving you'll want to be sure they have a good base of car safety and care so that as they grow good habits will be ingrained. This includes tire and vehicle maintenance which will help you and them save money in the long term.… read more

Why to Rent Instead of Buy

Though owning one's own home is a common lifelong goal, there are several reasons it may be better to rent instead of buying. Once families built their homes, but today it's more common to buy it from someone else. While buying may have financial advantages, when the economy is poor it's renters who benefit the most. T… read more

The Right Curriculum for Young Children: Play

Never underestimate the value of play as an educational tool. A good kindergarten program should focus on active play that involves discussions and artistic projects to enhance a child's creativity and reasoning skills. Crafts can delight children for hours and will build their independence and self esteem. Another fu… read more

Teach Kids the Gift of Giving

One of the best ways to teach your children about giving is through helping others, this will help children understand that the holidays are not all about material items that have been bought to please them or others. They will understand it's not about me, but rather us – all together. When a child feels and lives … read more

Give the Gift of Hobby

Sometimes a great gift idea is sitting right in front of you, all of us have a hobby and it just takes a little attention and research to find the perfect gift that will help your loved ones advance their interests. So, ready to save on your favourite toys and hobbies? From model air planes to learning toys, with Tellm… read more