News about california travel trips

Are We Losing the Global Warming Fight?

For so long global warming was kept out of the news. Facts and research wasn't published and the terms “climate change” and “global warming” weren't used. They were considered taboo. Today however global warming is becoming an unavoidable reality and with CO2 emissions at an all time high in 2012 the media is … read more

Overseas Tax

First of all, let's get to the heart of the question: do you have to pay taxes if you live overseas? The answer is that you must always file a tax return, but chances are you won't owe any taxes. Find out if you file for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, you can exclude up to $95k from your US income taxes! The best… read more

The Reality of Being a Step Parent

If being a parent is the hardest job in the world, this means that being a step parent is even more demanding! The role of the step parent is blurry, especially for the children and navigating it to make everyone comfortable requires a lot of dedication and sensitivity. Children are easily confused by the change of a n… read more

Successful Promotion with Email Marketing

The trick to successfully promoting a product or business via email marketing is to get customers to open your emails. If they don't open them, they won't get your message or take any of the actions you are hoping for. So, how do you keep clients regularly opening your emails? Here are the primary ways to create incent… read more

Use Pinterest for Your Business

We've all stumbled upon someone's pinterest board and spent hours scrolling through the collection of photos, now businesses are taking advantage of this technology to promote their products and services. You can use pinterest to promote your business as well, here are some tips that can help you drive up website traff… read more