News about paparazzi official site

New Kristen Wiig Movie

The new Kristen Wiig movie, “Girl Most Likely” seems to be slightly different than any of her past comedic endeavors. The film is in fact very different from anything she has done before, and only time will tell if people will receive it well. The rest of the starring cast is made up of big time Hollywood players o… read more

Help! Can't Afford Your Student Loans?

The common options for those who are having trouble paying off their student loans is to use student loan forbearance or deferment, which, while both valid financial aid tools, may be an expensive mistake. Though at first these and other programs may seem like a blessing: immediate relief from financial hardship, but n… read more

Nordic Cuisine

Sweden is known for their fresh spring potatoes, so good they can be served with only butter and fresh dill. However, both traditional and innovative new cuisines are putting Sweden back on the map. Today's Nordic cuisine uses traditional cooking techniques and ingredients, some of which are disappearing, reviving them… read more

How Much Are Google Interns Paid?

Are you surprised to hear that Google interns are most likely getting paid more than you? This highly coveted internship is no joke and also offers serious pay to students who make the cut. Sure, they are starting from the ground up, have no job security and do the most boring work, but they also get paid $6,000 a mont… read more

Duty Free Shopping in the Bahamas

Every vacation deserves a little retail therapy and the Bahamas is a particularly great place to do that. Why? Besides the huge variety of shops available, Nassau Paradise Island is also duty-free shopping, which means you can save up to 50% on regular U.S. Priced items. So after you've hit the beach, cool down with a … read more