News about most famous quote mothers

Should You Speak About Money Before Marriage?

An important discussion, one that can in fact make or break a marriage, is apparently more difficult for most couples to have than deciding which style for the wedding band or other nerve-wracking, forever-style, questions. The topic most people are skirting around is finances, a common source of disagreement among cou… read more

How to File for Bankruptcy

Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a very serious choice. By entering into bankruptcy a series of federal laws are activated that will allow someone to be unburdened of his or her debts and start again financially with a clean slate. In 2005, it became more complicated to start over again after bankruptcy, this means i… read more

The Reality of Being a Step Parent

If being a parent is the hardest job in the world, this means that being a step parent is even more demanding! The role of the step parent is blurry, especially for the children and navigating it to make everyone comfortable requires a lot of dedication and sensitivity. Children are easily confused by the change of a n… read more

Pilates for Posture

Pilates are a great tool for building core strength and thus are very helpful for posture. One learns how to use the abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor to support the trunk of the body, thus relieving stress on the legs, feet and hips. Everyone can recognize good posture and with a bit of sensitivity it's als… read more

How to Avoid Overspending

It can be difficult for some people to responsibly manage their money on a day-to-day basis. Especially with the use of credit cards and ATM debit cards, people have also stopped relying on physical money in their daily transactions, and the result of this can be that the amount of money being spent doesn’t cross the… read more