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Teach Kids the Gift of Giving

One of the best ways to teach your children about giving is through helping others, this will help children understand that the holidays are not all about material items that have been bought to please them or others. They will understand it's not about me, but rather us – all together. When a child feels and lives … read more

Community Fundraising Ideas

Work together as a team to raise money for a common community cause! Whatever your fundraising goal or your interests, it's possible to create a tailored project that will bring people together, build community and build funds. There are many tried and trusted ideas for community fundraisers. The pot luck dinner with a… read more

Smart Money Moves to Make Before 30

The tech-savvy generation is beginning to turn 30 and as such they will begin to have more financial issues on their mind. It's starting to become the time for a long-term savings account, to consider a retirement fund, one begins to make debt and mortgage payments and other family related costs become a reality. Howev… read more

Hot College Degrees

If you are curious which degrees are in demand for 2013 the answers may surprise. Today's high paying careers are no longer only in the field of business. For example, as health care becomes an ever more important issue careers in Health Care Administration will grow too. It's exciting because the right people to evolv… read more

Organic Farm Internships

If you are passionate about organic farming and want to learn more about what it's like to actually live and work on an organic farm, consider organizing an internships. There are many organizations that bring together the tools and contacts for people to find an organic farm in their location of choice and contact the… read more