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The Reality of Being a Step Parent

If being a parent is the hardest job in the world, this means that being a step parent is even more demanding! The role of the step parent is blurry, especially for the children and navigating it to make everyone comfortable requires a lot of dedication and sensitivity. Children are easily confused by the change of a n… read more

Tips for Choosing a First Date Restaurant

The perfect spot for a date will obviously depend on the person you are taking on a date. There are however, a few general rules of thumb that can be useful in narrowing down the options. Especially for a first date, it is important to choose somewhere that will allow for comfortable conversation. This means that noisy… read more

Public Schools vs. Private Schools

Every parent wants the best for their children and when they become old enough to begin school, many parents decide to send them to a private school instead of the public one. Many hold the belief that private schools are inherently better than public ones; public schools are often underfunded, so it is assumed that th… read more

Celebrity Restaurant Owners

The progression from movie star or international musician to restaurant owner has become pretty standard these days. Celebrities have begun opening their own restaurants, bars, and night clubs either as silent partners or in many cases, even full-blown owners. Jay-Z has a chain of sports bars that are similar in a way … read more

Starting a Handmade Clothing Company

If you are a creative person that knows how to design clothes and sew, you may think about opening your own handmade clothing business. Today there are still many consumers who appreciate handmade originals, but unfortunately the numbers of seamstresses who can answer this demand are always shrinking. The business mark… read more