Eating Out in Vegas

At the beginning Las Vegas had nothing to boast about regarding it's food, but no one really cared since everyone was there for a different reason anyways. Today the food scene at Las Vegas is as well known as its casinos and showgirls. If you like a certain genre of food, for example, Asian, head to the China Town where it's possible to spend a week chowing down on a diverse array of options.
However, just one taxi ride away and it's possible to enjoy some of Vegas's best restaurants. Looking for authentic Italian pizza? The most acclaimed Thai kitchen in the USA? It's still necessary to search out special food as mega buffets abound, as well as fast food outlets, but now there are also some show stoppers mixed in. Check out Sage, a farm to table approach restaurant offering beautiful plates of foie gras and other luxurious foods like black truffle mushrooms, yellowtail tuna and more in a gorgeous mix that really stands out.

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