How Much Are Google Interns Paid?

Are you surprised to hear that Google interns are most likely getting paid more than you? This highly coveted internship is no joke and also offers serious pay to students who make the cut. Sure, they are starting from the ground up, have no job security and do the most boring work, but they also get paid $6,000 a month! Most of the time internships aren't even paid, let alone offering sums that are impossible to find when you have been hired and work full time! Internships can be found in ad sales, marketing, to software engineers.
With a three month stint the common internship time they will usually earn about $20,000 in that period. Don't think that Google's paid internship are so rare in the tech field however, as both Microsoft and Amazon get similar earnings. On the other hand, the Google intern interview is also the toughest out there, so those that make the cut should and expect to be highly rewarded.
With a three month stint the common internship time they will usually earn about $20,000 in that period. Don't think that Google's paid internship are so rare in the tech field however, as both Microsoft and Amazon get similar earnings. On the other hand, the Google intern interview is also the toughest out there, so those that make the cut should and expect to be highly rewarded.