Organic Foods Boom Even With Economic Woes

Though in most fields luxury products and lifestyle have plummeted, it looks like organic foods are here to stay. In fact, throughout the economic crisis, the sales of organic foods have sky-rocketed with sales reaching about $23 billion in 2009. So why are expensive organic foods sticking around when others fail? The answer boils down to quality, by sustaining and proving that the organic food producers sell tastes better, is more nutritious and also better for the environment, then they are allowed to justify a high price.
Even better than that, organic food that is tied to the local economy is having a major success story and bucking the recession. It's also much more pocket book friendly, teaching consumers the value of local, seasonal produce. These record sales numbers also show that organic food is not just an niche market anymore, but rather is a solid group of shoppers committed to eating well. Another strategy to bring local, organic food to the masses without a high price tag are CSA boxes. These are usually delivered directly to one's house and for a set price consumers can enjoy local, seasonal fruits and vegetables.

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