3D Printers

One of the most exciting new technological inventions has been the 3D Printer, bringing to life 3D objects, whether it be food, flowers, art or something else. It's very creative and as such appeals to artists and designers who want to bring their fantasy to life. The 3D printer works by laying down thing layers of a material - it could be plastic, but also something organic like wood.
By layering them one on top of the other they accumulate into the shape that was programmed. The printer itself is not even that expensive, topping off at $1000 (however surely the refill cartridges must be!). 3D printing is set to change the world, allowing people to manufacture designs in their home. And that is only for the moment, one day it may be possible to print a car! Another perk is the designer can make an object that is even more customized.

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