News about wage minimum usa

Small Business Tips

It's possible to promote your small business without spending a fortune. The trick to good marketing is effective design and phrasing, choosing a target audience, and to change strategies regularly. You want to keep your clients on their toes and aware of what's new in your business. Today the frontier of marketing wit… read more

Best Sport for Back Health

Did you know that swimming is one of the top sports for back pain. As it doesn't stress the swimmer's back it allows him or her to remain active and tone muscles without injury. Of course, it's not 100% risk free, swimmer can suffer from hyper extension, this is why it's important to use proper techniques and form. Cha… read more

Top General Merchandise Products

Many people are unfamiliar with the term general merchandise, and yet this is an essential business and consumer term that we should all know. General merchandise is anything that not sold in the Grocery section of the store - that means the general merchandise list would exclude products like alcohol, but it also excl… read more

Need Vaccines to Travel?

If you have recently booked a holiday abroad, chances you are considering if you and your family should prepare yourselves by getting vaccines. Each country has various risks and recommendations for the vaccines that may be helpful. For example, if you are going to Mexico, the following vaccines are highly recommended … read more

iPhone: The Consumer Electronic of Choice

We all know how popular the iPhone is, but what people aren't prepared for is the mad popularity that will come with the iPhone mini or the iPhone Lite. As of now, it's just a rumour that this product exists, but the fact is that is Apple wants to remain competitive, this is going to be a necessary product for them to … read more