News about tv series list wikipedia

Best Sport for Back Health

Did you know that swimming is one of the top sports for back pain. As it doesn't stress the swimmer's back it allows him or her to remain active and tone muscles without injury. Of course, it's not 100% risk free, swimmer can suffer from hyper extension, this is why it's important to use proper techniques and form. Cha… read more

Pilates for Posture

Pilates are a great tool for building core strength and thus are very helpful for posture. One learns how to use the abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor to support the trunk of the body, thus relieving stress on the legs, feet and hips. Everyone can recognize good posture and with a bit of sensitivity it's als… read more

Leisure Time in Hawaii

So you have some free time to pass in Hawaii? Lucky you! Obviously Hawaii island ambient creates a wide array of aquatic activities to occupy your time. From snorkeling and scuba to surfing, you can stay active in the water. In general most of the Hawaiian coastline is great for diving, some top picks are the Black Cor… read more

Reduce the Risk of Elbow Injuries

If you do sports that raise your risk of elbow or wrist injuries, then this article is right for you. However, it's certainly helpful for anyone who wants to avoid unnecessary strains. Here are some suggestions for stretches and massage techniques that can help. By working out your forearm muscles you can improve stren… read more

Lou Reed's Liver Transplant

And yet another major rock star has undergone a liver transplant and survived. The 71 year old Lou Reed declared that he feels, "bigger and stronger" than ever shortly after he had a liver transplant. He claims the mix of modern medicine and Tai Chi has kept him in health all these years. Wife Lauri Anderson declared t… read more