News about textile design firms

Ledger Wallet: the hardware wallet to keep your crypto safe!

I'm pretty sure you know how crypto wallets need a key, a secret word, your log-in data and so on. Many informations to store in a place where YOU can always safely access them, without anyone else being able to do the same!Let's be honest, many of us end up saving these informations in emails, drafts on our… read more

DIY Fashion

Tired of spending too much money on handmade clothes that are produced overseas by underpaid laborers? Now is the time to make your own. It's easy enough. You don't have to know pattern making or even how to use a sewing machine! It's enough to have good ideas and a pair of scissors with a basic knowledge of how to sew… read more

Small Business Tips

It's possible to promote your small business without spending a fortune. The trick to good marketing is effective design and phrasing, choosing a target audience, and to change strategies regularly. You want to keep your clients on their toes and aware of what's new in your business. Today the frontier of marketing wit… read more

Apple Obsession

Apple products have been dominating the technological market for over a decade now. The first generation iPod already seems like an artifact of a long lost civilization. Now Apple laptops, namely the MacBook Pro and the MacBook Air, have become consumer favorites and often considered a must-have device. Apple software … read more

Essential Wardrobe Apparel

It's possible to own a minimum amount of apparel and always look great. You just need to curate your wardrobe with care, creating a base collection of wardrobe essentials that work in many ways and keep you looking and feeling good. To begin: a plain white t-shirt. Obviously, the choices are endless. Then, select a com… read more