News about step parent

What to Eat Before a Race

Probably the most common question from runners is what to eat before a marathon. Most of us are familiar with the idea of pounding on the carbs before hitting the streets, but as our nutritional information continues to grow, are we still sure that's the best? The answer is still a resounding yes. Whether it's pasta … read more

Hosting a Bar Mitzvah

Ironically, the party that follows the bar mitzvah usually gets more attention than the actual ceremony itself. It's actually a part of Jewish tradition that the child who is having the bar mitzvah host a party or festival afterwards. Recently though these festivals have become quite impressive and sometimes it seems t… read more

Hygiene for Good Health

The first step to maintaining good health is proper hygiene. How many times have you heard that it's enough to wash your hands in warm soapy water regularly to avoid colds and other germs? Well, it's true and it's a better strategy than using antibacterial products that kill all bacteria - both good and bad. The use of… read more

Save on Natural Foods

Does it seem like every time you go into the natural food store you come out with a small bag of groceries and a big hole in your pocket? There is no doubt that organic and natural foods come with a high price tag, however, it's possible to cut corners without losing quality. Just like in the regular supermarket, the m… read more

Make Your Blowout Last

So you've gone through the time and the trouble to blowout your locks and they are looking great. Now here are a few tips to help make it last. First step first, always start with wet hair, the more your hair dries the harder it is to get curls and waves out. Secondly, push to dry it until it's 100% as this will make y… read more