News about inexpensive celebrity clothing lines

DIY Fashion

Tired of spending too much money on handmade clothes that are produced overseas by underpaid laborers? Now is the time to make your own. It's easy enough. You don't have to know pattern making or even how to use a sewing machine! It's enough to have good ideas and a pair of scissors with a basic knowledge of how to sew… read more

For those looking fir a large house

People living in a two or three bedroom house, those with families with three, four or more children, and perhaps grandma or grandpa too, can't be blamed if they spend an inordinate amount of time wishing for something bigger, and generally a lot bigger,5-bedrooms at least, six if they can afford it. But one of the pro… read more

70s Clothing Making a Comeback

If you are someone that follows fashion chances are you have gotten into the habit of saving clothes that seem like they have gone in style – this is because you know they will always come back in later on. Someone that follows fashion knows it's cyclical and repeats itself. These days it's all about the 70s again. T… read more

A Clean Home Without Toxic Products

Your home can be spic and span without the use of any hazardous chemicals. It's true, you can have sterile kitchen counters and freshly scented laundry without using bleach, irritating and overly-perfumed soaps and heavy-duty cleansers. What are the alternatives you ask? To begin with, some of the most powerful disinfe… read more

The Future of Sustainable Clothing

The next generation of clothing may very well be made from organic materials like raw hemp! Sustainable apparel has been picking up steam in recent years. In the past, the low demand for such products has prevented its growth in the free market; sustainable production of a sustainable product could previously never rea… read more