News about carbs coconut oil

A Clean Home Without Toxic Products

Your home can be spic and span without the use of any hazardous chemicals. It's true, you can have sterile kitchen counters and freshly scented laundry without using bleach, irritating and overly-perfumed soaps and heavy-duty cleansers. What are the alternatives you ask? To begin with, some of the most powerful disinfe… read more

How to Look Naturally Beautiful

Harsh chemicals, hours in front of the mirror, an expensive blow dryer and hair products – none of these are necessary to look beautiful. Here are some natural choices to look and feel great. For a radiant complexion start by cleaning your skin and then rubbing some sliced grapes over it – they are an excellent nat… read more

Coconut Oil: A Dry Hair Miracle

If you have dry or heat-damaged hair then coconut oil is just the thing! For parched hair it's enough to do a once monthly hair mask to add moisture, breakage protection and encourage hair growth. Here's how: before heading off to bed pull out your coconut oil, a comb and a shower cap. Heat the oil until it's warm to t… read more

What to Eat Before a Race

Probably the most common question from runners is what to eat before a marathon. Most of us are familiar with the idea of pounding on the carbs before hitting the streets, but as our nutritional information continues to grow, are we still sure that's the best? The answer is still a resounding yes. Whether it's pasta … read more

Warning: Oil Light On!

Nobody likes to see those pesky red warning lights signaling that something is askew with the motor, oil or battery...However, the oil light may be the most common and also the most dangerous for your auto. If your oil light comes on stop driving immediately as it may mean your engine has lost normal oil pressure, once… read more