News about argo

Gadgets You Can Speak With?

Today there is a wide array of gadgets that human beings can speak with. The question we ask is why? Essentially, because it's easier to use speech communication to interact with all a gadgets features than to fill it with millions of buttons - which is difficult as humans want their tech devices to be ever-smaller. S… read more

History of the New York Times

The New York Times was founded in September of 1851 and is known all over the USA and the world. Today it is also published online. Besides its endurance through the centuries and being the most-distributed metropolitan newspaper in the USA, the New York Times has also received 112 Pulitzer prizes. The paper has been o… read more

Is the crypto-winter ending??

It's a turbulent year, the price of many widely traded tokens tumbled, many leading crypto platform collapsed and lots crypto-fanatics gave up, scared by the declining market. But, finally something is coming back to life! We don't know when crypto-winter will end yet, but the crypto-market seems to be stable, so if y… read more

Footage stock

When choosing a footage company to use, there are a few things you should know. Often, you get a choice between commercial or editorial footage stock. As the name suggests, commercial stock footage is used to sell a product. Editorial footage, on the other hand, is used by media outlets or a news platform to illustrate… read more

Low Cost Anniversary Ideas

So you want to make a great impression on your loved one when you celebrate your anniversary together...the problem is money is tight. Here are some great ideas for low-cost and romantic anniversary ideas. Start celebrating early by sending your loved one a link to a youtube video that you made yourself where you confe… read more