News about most famous quote mothers

Kitchen Gadgets You Just Don't Need

Retailers will push every kind of gadget under the sun on consumers – all in the name of simplifying their lives and the latest must-have 'technology' to get the job done. In the kitchen, just as everywhere else, it seems like there's a slew of ridiculous objects on the market. Here are some of out top picks for the … read more

Using Social Media for Business

Have you considered using social media to promote and grow your business? It's an inexpensive and popular choice to help business keep new and existing customers talking about your products and services. The top picks for social media networks are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn. Each one can offer uni… read more

The Spin on Climate Change

For those who are knowledgeable about climate change and convinced that it is happening, for those who understand that it's simply a question of science and not politics, the lack of media coverage regarding global warming is absurd. Even more so, the fact that for how the media poses it, global warming is up for debat… read more

Angelina Jolie's Brave Choice Slammed by Etheridge

When recently diagnosed with a genetic mutation that usually results in a high probability of ovarian or breast cancer, Angelina Jolie decided to confront her risk by having a double mastectomy in order to ensure the genetic mutation wouldn't lead to cancer. The fact that Angeline Jolie went public with her health ch… read more

A Holiday for Your Health

It has been scientifically proven, holidays make one healthy and happy. It has also been noted that several short trips may be better than a long holiday. This study is based on a Finnish research project which found that people who spend their money on concerts, travel with family or weekend breaks are in general happ… read more