News about personal care agency

Sucked in By the Internet?

“I'm just going to check my email for one moment,” by now these have become famous last words as people are endlessly sucked into the Internet to follow up on email, Facebook, Google and the million other opportunities for distraction that the Internet offers us. However, scientists are now telling us this is norma… read more

Family Friendly Dining in Miami

Though you may often hear about Miami as a party town, it actually offers a lot to families, including family friendly dining experiences. So after spending a long day at the beach with the little ones take everyone out and splurge on a restaurant that offers something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a chain … read more

Why Use Pure Beeswax Candles

Most of the candles on the market today are made from paraffin since it costs less and burns smoother, however, the true best choice is pure beeswax candles. They are more economic in the long run, better for your health, better for the environment and have a unique beauty and perfume. If you burn a beeswax candle with… read more

What is Homoeopathic Medicine?

Have you heard people raving about homoeopathic medicine recently? This antique field is regaining popularity of late. However, few people understand what homoeopathy really is and how it works. In essence, the base theory is treat like with like. By using highly diluted substances, the body's natural healing system is… read more

Community Lending: The New Revolution in Banking

Virtual banks are the new frontier of managing finances, and because many people do not trust big banks anymore, online banking and banking apps are simply not enough. Puddle is a type of virtual banking that actually involves no bank at all; it is actually a transaction facilitated between friends or at least within a… read more