News about things do colorado

Leisure Time in Hawaii

So you have some free time to pass in Hawaii? Lucky you! Obviously Hawaii island ambient creates a wide array of aquatic activities to occupy your time. From snorkeling and scuba to surfing, you can stay active in the water. In general most of the Hawaiian coastline is great for diving, some top picks are the Black Cor… read more

Delicious Fudge Without the Junk Factor

Did you know it's possible to enjoy delicious oozy-gooey fudge without flour and refined white sugar? You can have the best of chocolate deliciousness and none of the bad side-effects for your health or waistline. If you are used to traditional fudge, the ingredients may surprise you, but give it a try because these ar… read more

Internet Access Tips for Travellers

If you are travelling and need to connect to the internet here are a series of helpful tips to help avoid unwanted surprises. Consider using a public wi-fi instead of your hotel's connection which may have blocks on how much broadband you can use. If the hotel offers a wired Ethernet connection chances are that will gi… read more

The Value of a Community Potluck

A community potluck is a great way to build and celebrate a strong neighborhood and community. Knowing your neighbors will improve your life and can also mean that you'll have a stronger network and support system. Throwing a community potluck will bring everyone together to meet, greet, discuss individual lives and pr… read more

Work From Home as an Editor

Ever want to live the dream of working from home: decide your own hours, take breaks when you need, be responsible for managing your work flow...Most people are surprised how easy it is to launch into a career as a freelance editor and manage your own small business. The initial investment is small, though the educatio… read more