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Give the Gift of Hobby

Sometimes a great gift idea is sitting right in front of you, all of us have a hobby and it just takes a little attention and research to find the perfect gift that will help your loved ones advance their interests. So, ready to save on your favourite toys and hobbies? From model air planes to learning toys, with Tellm… read more

The Danger of Late Night Snacking For Your Health

Most people underestimate the critical value of avoiding late night snacking and meals before sleep. Though it doesn't seem like a big deal and we all do it form time to time, it's actually quite important for your health to avoid such behavior. The reason is because the body works hard to digest all that's put inside … read more

Raising Minimum Wage

Let's discuss a recent proposal made by Obama to raise minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9 by the end of 2015. Though it still seems far off, it's likely to happen as this proposal is profoundly supported by America's over 6 million small-scale employers. In the past, lobbyists who represent small businesses have alw… read more

Legal Support for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is fatal and 90% of the time is due to exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was installed in buildings in the 1960s and 70s, and later it was deemed toxic as it deteriorates. As such, companies that manufactured or used asbestos are liable since workers were needlessly exposed to this carcinogen. This means th… read more

How to Do a Full Body Cleanse Diet

The goal of a full body cleanse diet is to help decrease the workload on one's digestive organs while keeping the body energized enough to do its daily activities. Your body has the natural ability to cleanse itself, it's not the foods that one eats that actually cleanse it – however – you can take the stress out o… read more