News about great gift ideas wholesale

Best Cheap Makeup Kit

If you want to refresh your makeup, but don't have the cash, here are some suggestions for a makeup kit that won't break the bank! With makeup it always pays to spend a bit more and go for quality, the best low cost makeup kits come from MAC Cosmetics, they are professional level and have innovative colors and great qu… read more

Public Schools vs. Private Schools

Every parent wants the best for their children and when they become old enough to begin school, many parents decide to send them to a private school instead of the public one. Many hold the belief that private schools are inherently better than public ones; public schools are often underfunded, so it is assumed that th… read more

Drink Water for Beauty

Water is one of Mother Nature's best kept beauty secrets. It will enhance yours kin, nails and hair while it benefits the body and helps it to keep “running” smoothly. By drinking water and remaining hydrated you can encourage fresh skin, you'll flush out toxins and help keep pores clean. It also will help you to l… read more

Appeal of American Apparel

The clothing company American Apparel is undoubtedly a large part of the hipster revolution, or it is at least responsible for keeping it dressed accordingly. The fact that American Apparel is a self-proclaimed sweatshop free company is important to many young people who wear their products. Their factory is located in… read more

Recycle Your Clothes

Most people don't know that textiles, including apparel, makes up 12.7 million tons of waste. Its our job to reduce this number by thinking up creative strategies to reuse unwanted clothing. Whether you are making a quilt, jewelery, upcycling or something of your own invention - it makes a difference! Though there are … read more